The Glorious Burden <font size=1>DISC 2</font> cd cover

Iced Earth

The Glorious Burden DISC 2

  1. Gettysburg
    The Devil to Pay
  2. Gettysburg
    Hold At Atll Costs
  3. Gettysburg
    High Water Mark

Disc 2 is one long song that tells the story of the battle of Gettysburg. Beyond the roaring guitars, ripping vocals and historical story telling lyrics is some true art. In this three-part opus Schaffer has taken great pains to score melodies symbolizing both the North (When Johnny Comes Marching Home) and the South (Dixie). The pieces are played in the background letting you know which way the battle is swaying at various points in the music, until the two come together, playing simultaneously in the final bloody clash. With close attention paid to every detail from the packaging to the production, The Glorious Burden is undoubtedly Iced Earth’s best work. Disc 1.


Average Visitor Rating9.9
“It's late at night and neither one of us is sleeping. I can't imagine living my life after you're gone. Wondering why so many questions have no answers, I keep on searching for the reason why we went wrong.”
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